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Day 11: Cosmic Expansion

I figured out a recursion for finding the sum of all combinations of distances, when iterating those sorted:

\[t_{n+1} = 2t_{n} - t_{n-1} + nx_n,\]

where \(x_n\) is the distance between each consecutive number. Since we're in Manhattan metric, we can compute the sum for columns and rows separately. Now we don't need the sets to keep the empty space or anything. If \(x_n > 1\) that automatically means there were empty columns or rows in between.

Note that by default, findall already returns cartesian indices sorted on second index.

file: src/Day11.jl
module Day11

using Transducers

function main(io::IO)
  total(f) = last  
      foldxl(((t1, t2), (n, dx)) -> (t2, 2t2 - t1 + n*dx); init=(0, 0)) 
    Enumerate()  Map(((a, b),) ->  max(0, (b - a - 1) * f + 1)) 
    Consecutive(2, 1)

  universe = open(foldxl(hcat)  Map(collect)  readlines, "input/day11.txt", "r") .== '#'
  galaxies = findall(universe) |> Map(Tuple) |> collect
  solve(f) = (sort!(first.(galaxies)) |> total(f)) + (last.(galaxies) |> total(f))
  println("Part 1: ", solve(2))
  println("Part 2: ", solve(10^6))

output day 11
Part 1: 10154062
Part 2: 553083047914

Old solution

My old solution has a method to get all combinations of galaxies and then computes the distance between all of them, having a complexity of at least \(O(n^2)\), while the solution above is more like \(O(n\log n)\) (sorting being the most expensive operation).

Old solution
function combinations(x)
  Channel() do c
    for i in eachindex(x)
      for j in eachindex(x[i+1:end])
        put!(c, (x[i], x[i+j]))

function main(io::IO)
  input = readlines(io) .|> collect |> lines -> reduce(hcat, lines)
  empty_cols = Set(i for (i, c) in enumerate(eachcol(input)) if all(c .== '.'))
  empty_rows = Set(i for (i, r) in enumerate(eachrow(input)) if all(r .== '.'))
  function distance(a, b, expansion_factor)
    row_r = min(a[1], b[1]):max(a[1], b[1])
    col_r = min(a[2], b[2]):max(a[2], b[2])
    row_d = max(0, length(row_r) + length(intersect(row_r, empty_rows)) * (expansion_factor - 1) - 1)
    col_d = max(0, length(col_r) + length(intersect(col_r, empty_cols)) * (expansion_factor - 1) - 1)
    row_d + col_d
  galaxies = findall(input .== '#') |> collect
  println("Part 1: ", (distance(a, b, 2) for (a, b) in combinations(galaxies)) |> sum)
  println("Part 2: ", (distance(a, b, 10^6) for (a, b) in combinations(galaxies)) |> sum)