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Day 18: Lavaduct Lagoon

This is very similar to the problem on Day 10.


I parse the instructions directly to tuples of \((\Delta x, \Delta y)\).

const dirs = eachrow([0 1; 1 0; 0 -1; -1 0]) .|> Tuple
const char2dir = Dict(zip("RDLU", dirs))

struct Instruction
  dx::NTuple{2, Int}

instruction_p = sequence(
  sequence(token(r"[RDLU]") >> fmap(m -> char2dir[m.match[1]]), integer) >>
  token("(#") >>> token(r"[0-9a-f]{6}") >> skip(token(")")) >>
    fmap(m -> parse(UInt32, m.match, base=16))) >> fmap(splat(Instruction))

Tracing the outside

We can see if we turn left or right by looking at the sign of the cross-product between consecutive steps.

\[a \times b = a_y b_x - a_x b_y\]

While tracing the path, we need to make sure to stick to the outside of the curve. When taking a right turn, we need to extend the previous step by one; at left turns, the next step is shortened by one. When going straight, we don't modify the path.

cross(a, b) = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]

outside(dx1, dx2) = let s = cross(dx1, dx2)
    s < 0 ? (dx1 .+ sign.(dx1), dx2) :
      (s > 0 ? (dx1, dx2 .- sign.(dx2)) :
      (dx1, dx2))


Using Transducers.jl the function for computing the area becomes a one-liner, the sum of consecutive cross-products on the absolute coordinates of the polygon.

area(path) = path |>
  ScanEmit(outside, (0, 0), x -> x .+ sign.(x)) |>
  Scan(.+) |>
  Consecutive(2) |>
  Map(splat(cross)) |> sum |> abs

One thing I don't understand is, where did the factor \(1/2\) go? I tried this out on small examples and it seems to work as long as edges are in grid directions. The Consecutive(2) transducer generates [(1,2), (3, 4), (5, 6)...] not [(1,2), (2,3), (3,4)...] as I expected. Somehow, the math works out and for grid walks, the odd terms exactly match the even terms... Lucky me.


file: src/Day18.jl
module Day18

using ..Parsing: sequence, token, integer, fmap, skip
using Transducers


function main(io::IO)
  input = readlines(io) .|> (first  instruction_p)
  path1 = input .|> (x -> x.dx)
  println("Part 1: ", area(path1))
  path2 = input .|> (x -> dirs[x.color & 0xf + 1] .* (x.color >> 4))
  println("Part 2: ", area(path2))

output day 18
Part 1: 48400
Part 2: 72811019847283