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Day 10: Pipe Maze

For part 2, we have Green's theorem:

\[\oint_{\partial D} (Pdx + Qdy) = \int \int_D \left(\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial P}{\partial y}\right) dx dy.\]

Setting \(Q = x\) and \(P = 0\), we get

\[\oint_{\partial D} xdy = \int \int_D dx dy.\]

Kind of obvious really, we didn't really need Green's for that. Every time we go south, we subtract the - shaded region, when we go back up north we add the + shaded region.


Do this for the entire length of the path, and the surface area remains.

Note that, due to weird computer coordinates, positive orientation becomes a right-handed loop (clock-wise). Also we have to be very careful to take all details into account.

One big problem is that we have this weird contracted path on pixels. We may keep this contraction always on our right flank as we walk the path. We may keep track of the surface area on a dual grid, offset exactly half a pixel in each direction. That means that a turn right doesn't change the position of the area tracer, but a turn left changes it in two directions.

@testset "day 10" begin
  using AOC2023.Day10: start_pipe, trace_loop

  data = [

  pipe_map = data .|> collect |> x -> permutedims(reduce(hcat, x), (2, 1))
  start_pos = findfirst(pipe_map .== 'S')
  pipe_map[start_pos] = start_pipe(pipe_map, start_pos)
  pipe_map, start_pos
  _, dist, area = trace_loop(pipe_map, start_pos)
  @test dist == 8
  @test area == 1
file: src/Day10.jl
module Day10

@enum Direction EAST = 1 NORTH = 2 WEST = 3 SOUTH = 4

Base.:-(d::Direction) = Direction(mod1((Int(d) + 2), 4))
left(d::Direction) = Direction(mod1((Int(d) + 1), 4))
right(d::Direction) = Direction(mod1((Int(d) - 1), 4))
turn(d::Direction, t::Turn) = begin
  if t == LEFT
  elseif t == RIGHT

legenda = Dict{Char,Union{Nothing,Pair{Direction,Direction}}}(
  '-' => (EAST => WEST),
  '|' => (NORTH => SOUTH),
  'L' => (EAST => NORTH),
  'J' => (NORTH => WEST),
  '7' => (WEST => SOUTH),
  'F' => (EAST => SOUTH),
  '.' => nothing
flip(p::Pair) = p.second => p.first
inv_legenda = Dict(flip(p) for p in legenda if !isnothing(p.second))
other(p::Pair{T,T}, x::T) where {T} = x == p.first ? p.second : p.first

turn_dir = Dict(
  ('L', WEST) => RIGHT,
  ('L', SOUTH) => LEFT,
  ('F', NORTH) => RIGHT,
  ('F', WEST) => LEFT,
  ('7', EAST) => RIGHT,
  ('7', NORTH) => LEFT,
  ('J', SOUTH) => RIGHT,
  ('J', EAST) => LEFT

star_shape = [CartesianIndex(0, 1), CartesianIndex(-1, 0), CartesianIndex(0, -1), CartesianIndex(1, 0)]
star(x::CartesianIndex) = x .+ star_shape
star(x::CartesianIndex, d::Direction) = x + star_shape[Int(d)]

function start_pipe(m::Matrix{Char}, i::CartesianIndex)
  triage(d) =
    let x = legenda[m[star(i, d)]]
      !isnothing(x) && -d in x
  dirs = filter(triage, instances(Direction))
  @assert length(dirs) == 2

function read_input(io::IO)
  pipe_map = readlines(io) .|> collect |> x -> permutedims(reduce(hcat, x), (2, 1))
  start_pos = findfirst(pipe_map .== 'S')
  pipe_map[start_pos] = start_pipe(pipe_map, start_pos)
  pipe_map, start_pos

function trace_loop(m::Matrix{Char}, i::CartesianIndex)
  area = [0, 0]
  trace = Matrix{Union{Missing,Int}}(missing, size(m))
  dist = 0
  traveling = -legenda[m[i]].first

  while ismissing(trace[i])
    trace[i] = dist
    margin = traveling == NORTH || traveling == EAST
    r, l = right(traveling), left(traveling)
    dir = get(turn_dir, (m[i], traveling), STRAIGHT)
    if dir == STRAIGHT || dir == LEFT
      area .+= Tuple(margin ? star(i, r) : i) .* Tuple(star_shape[Int(-r)])
    traveling = turn(traveling, dir)
    margin = traveling == NORTH || traveling == EAST
    r, l = right(traveling), left(traveling)
    if dir == LEFT
      area .+= Tuple(margin ? star(i, r) : i) .* Tuple(star_shape[Int(-r)])
    i = star(i, traveling)
    dist += 1

  a = area[1] < 0 ? -area[1] - dist : area[1]
  trace, dist, a


function main(io::IO)
  pipe_map, start_pos = read_input(io)
  _, dist, area = trace_loop(pipe_map, start_pos)
  println("Part 1: ", dist ÷ 2)
  println("Part 2: ", area)

output day 10
Part 1: 7093
Part 2: 407


There is a nice formula for the area of a polygon.

len = size(path)[2] ÷ 2
area = abs(sum(path[2,2:end] .* path[1,1:end-1]) - 
           sum(path[1,2:end] .* path[2,1:end-1])) ÷ 2 - len + 1


trace loop for plotting
function plot_loop(m::Matrix{Char}, i::CartesianIndex)
  path = [[i[1], i[2]]]
  inner = [[i[1], i[2]]]
  j = i
  trace = Matrix{Union{Missing,Int}}(missing, size(m))
  traveling = -legenda[m[i]].first

  while ismissing(trace[i])
    trace[i] = 1
    margin = traveling == NORTH || traveling == EAST
    r, l = right(traveling), left(traveling)
    dir = get(turn_dir, (m[i], traveling), STRAIGHT)
    if dir == STRAIGHT || dir == LEFT
      j = star(j, traveling)
      push!(inner, [j[1], j[2]])
    traveling = turn(traveling, dir)
    margin = traveling == NORTH || traveling == EAST
    r, l = right(traveling), left(traveling)
    if dir == LEFT
      j = star(j, traveling)
      push!(inner, [j[1], j[2]])
    i = star(i, traveling)
    push!(path, [i[1], i[2]])

  # a = area[1] < 0 ? - area[1] - dist : area[1]
  trace, reduce(hcat, path), reduce(hcat, inner)
file: src/viz-day10.jl
#| description: plot day 10
#| creates: docs/fig/day10.svg
#| requires: src/Day10.jl input/day10.txt
#| collect: figures

module PlotDay10

using AOC2023.Day10: read_input, plot_loop
using CairoMakie

function main(io)
  pm, sp = open(read_input, "input/day10.txt", "r")
  tr, path, inner = plot_loop(pm, sp)
  (c1, _, c2, _, _, c3) = Makie.wong_colors()
  fig = Figure(size=(600, 800))
  ax1 = Axis(fig[2:3, 1]; aspect=AxisAspect(1))
  lines!(ax1, path; color=c2)
  poly!(ax1, inner .- [0.5, 0.5]; color=c3)

  ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 1]; aspect=DataAspect(), limits=(70, 80, 80, 85))
  lines!(ax2, path; color=c2)
  scatter!(ax2, path; color=c2)
  poly!(ax2, inner .- [0.5, 0.5]; color=c3)
  lines!(ax2, inner .- [0.5, 0.5]; color=:black)
  scatter!(ax2, inner .- [0.5, 0.5]; color=:black)
  save("docs/fig/day10.svg", fig)


open(PlotDay10.main, "input/day10.txt", "r")