Day 06: Wait For It
Distance travelled with pressing the button only at the start for \(t_a\) milliseconds.
where \(a\) is the accelleration in \({\rm ms}^{-2}\). This can be expanded, setting \(a = 1 {\rm ms}^{-2}\),
Solving for a minimal distance \(d\) we get a quadratic equation
The optimal play is \(t_a = t / 2\), rounded to nearest integer. Then, a margin of
around that will still win the game. We need to take care if \(t\) is odd or even how to treat rounding.
In the case of odd \(t\) and a \(2\Delta\) of just \(1\), we have two points included. In the case of even \(t\) and a \(2\Delta\) of just \(2\), we have three points included. Number of wins keep increasing by 2, so we do some integer math hackery to get the right answers.
function amount_of_wins(t::Int, d::Int)
Δ2 = isqrt(t^2 - 4d)
t & 1 == 0 ? Δ2 | 1 : (Δ2 + 1) & ~1
The second part is now also trivial.
module Day06
using ..Parsing: token, integer, sequence, starmap, some_p
struct Data
data_p = sequence(
token("Time:") >>> some_p(integer),
token("Distance:") >>> some_p(integer)
) >> starmap(Data)
function main(io::IO)
input = read(io, String) |> data_p |> first
println("Part 1: ", prod(amount_of_wins.(input.time, input.distance .+ 1)))
rt = parse(Int, "$(input.time...)")
rd = parse(Int, "$(input.distance...)")
println("Part 2: ", amount_of_wins(rt, rd + 1))