Day 02: Rock Paper Scissors

I had a longer solution in Julia, but then I started thinking about tricks in modular arithmetic, and came up with this:


module Day02

read_input(io::IO) = [(line[1]-'A', line[3]-'X') for line in readlines(io)]
score_1((a, b)::Tuple{Int,Int}) = mod(b - a + 1, 3) * 3 + b + 1
score_2((a, b)::Tuple{Int,Int}) = b * 3 + mod(a + b - 1, 3) + 1

function main(io::IO, io_out::IO=stdout)
    input = read_input(io)
    println(io_out, "Part 1: $(sum(score_1.(input)))")
    println(io_out, "Part 2: $(sum(score_2.(input)))")

@day 2
 🮐🮐🮐🮐🮐  Day 2                          
 🮐🮐🮐🮐🮐    Part 1: 8392
 🮐🮐🮐🮐🮐    Part 2: 10116

Everything will be explained for the rustic version.


For the rustic solution, I did away with any enums and just used u8. I figured out that we can use some modular arithmetic to find the desired choice for rock, paper or scissors. The following equations should all be read modulo 3.


Let's call the two choices $a$ and $b$, then $a$ wins if $a = (b + 1)$, since paper beats rock, scissors beats papers and rock beats scissors.

We can also compute the score using modular arithmetic. Look at $(b - a + 1)$; this will say $0$ if $a$ won, $1$ if it's a draw, and $2$ if $b$ won. Since I'm computing on unsigned values I need to make sure that all values remain positive (you can add multiples of 3 for free), so this becomes $(4 + b - a)$:

fn score_part_1((a, b): (u8,u8)) -> u32
    { ((4+b-a)%3 * 3 + b + 1) as u32 }

For the second part, we may say $b \to (a + b + 2)$. We can see this as follows: if we need to win, we need to be exactly $b = (a+1)$, if we need to draw $b = a = (a+0)$, and to lose $b = (a-1) = (a+2)$. So we have:

codewin lose or drawvalue
0lose$a + 2$
1draw$a + 0$
2win$a + 1$

If we substitute that into our previous formula for the score, the $(4 + b - a)$ simplifies to simply $b$.

fn score_part_2((a, b): (u8,u8)) -> u32
    { (b*3 + (a+b+2)%3 + 1) as u32 }

The rest is boiler-plate.

mod aoc;

use crate::aoc::{Result,Error,input_error};
use std::io;

fn read_input() -> Result<Vec<(u8, u8)>> {
    let mut result = Vec::new();
    for line in io::stdin().lines() {
        let l = line.map_err(input_error)?;
        if l.len() != 3 { return Err(Error::Input("unexpected input".to_string())); }
        result.push((l.as_bytes()[0] - b'A', l.as_bytes()[2] - b'X'));


fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let input = read_input()?;
    println!("Part 1: {}", input.iter().copied().map(score_part_1).sum::<u32>());
    println!("Part 2: {}", input.iter().copied().map(score_part_2).sum::<u32>());