
If you're not sold on macros for their expressiveness, here's something new for you. One reason why macros can be so powerful, is that they let us write little code generators for things that we normally wouldn't bother with. This means getting potentially huge performance gains. We'll work through an example where we need to compute some polynomial.

module Polynomials

A polynomial is a function defined by some finite power series,

\[f(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^{n} c_i x^i,\]

where we refer to $c_i$ as the coefficients of the polynomial. We may store a polynomial as a Vector.

struct Polynomial{T}

function Polynomial(c::T...) where T<:Number

function compute_vectorized(f::Polynomial{T}, x::T) where T<:Number
    sum(f.c .* x.^(0:(length(f.c)-1)))

The notation in compute_vectorized is very compact, and it closely mimics the actual function definition that we gave for a polynomial. Is it also fast?

using MacroExercises.Polynomials: Polynomial, compute_vectorized, compute_tight_loop

f = Polynomial(1.0, -3.0, 2.0, -4.0, 1.5, 0.3, -0.1)
xs = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 100000)

test_f1(n) = for _ in 1:n
    xs .|> x -> compute_vectorized(f, x)

# compile

# time
@elapsed test_f1(100)

On my machine this takes about two seconds. A profiler reveals that most time (about 70%) is spent computing the :^ function. We can be more efficient if we use incremental multiplication.

function compute_tight_loop(f::Polynomial{T}, x::T) where T<:Number
    result = 0
    xpow = 1
    for c in f.c
        result += xpow * c
        xpow *= x
test_f2(n) = for _ in 1:n
    xs .|> x -> compute_tight_loop(f, x)


@elapsed test_f2(1000)

This takes about three seconds on my machine, so the tight loop version is an order of magnitude faster (note the sample size). Can we do better? Now it starts to get interesting! We'll generate code as if we unroll the for-loop for a specific case of a polynomial manualy.

function expand(f::Polynomial{T}) where T<:Number
    :(function (x::$T)
        r = $(f.c[1])
        xp = x
        $((:(r += xp*$c; xp*=x) for c in f.c[2:end-1])...)
        r + xp * $(f.c[end])

What does that generated code look like?

using MacroExercises.Polynomials: Polynomial, expand

    expand(Polynomial(1.0, 0.5, 0.333, 0.25)))
:(function (x::Float64,)
      r = 1.0
      xp = x
          r += xp * 0.5
          xp *= x
          r += xp * 0.333
          xp *= x
      r + xp * 0.25

Now, test it for speed:

f_unroll = eval(expand(f))
test_f3(n) = sum(sum(f_unroll.(xs)) for _ in 1:n)
@elapsed test_f3(1000)

For me this computes in 0.12 seconds. That is 25 times faster than the dynamic tight_loop version. I think that is really amazing. For reference, here is the C++ equivalent of the tight loop version. I had to try really hard to make it not optimize away results that weren't used afterwards.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>

double compute_tight_loop(std::vector<double> const &cs, double x) {
    double r = 0.0;
    double xp = 1.0;
    for (auto c : cs) {
        r += xp * c;
        xp *= x;
    return r;

int main() {
    using std::chrono::duration_cast;
    using std::chrono::milliseconds;
    using std::accumulate;

    std::vector<double> c{1.0, -3.0, 2.0, -4.0, 1.5, 0.3, -0.1};
    std::cout << compute_tight_loop(c, 10.0) << std::endl;
    std::vector<double> input(100000), output(100000);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { input[i] = i / 100000.0; }
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    double grant_total = 0.0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < 100000; ++j) { output[j] = compute_tight_loop(c, input[j]); }
        grant_total += accumulate(output.begin(), output.end(), 0.0);
    auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    std::cout << "total: " << grant_total << std::endl
              << "duration: " << duration_cast<milliseconds>(stop - start) << std::endl;
    return 0;

This gives me about 300ms on my laptop, against 120ms for the Julia version. So how could Julia be faster than C++? We were able to compile our polynomial code for a specific polynomial on the fly, creating a function that does not need to access memory. The equivalent in C++ would be to generate code and pass that through GCC and then run it: that is insane.

Horner's method

There is a more efficient way to evaluate a polynomial, called Horner's method (thanks Nicos Pitsianis for pointing it out to me). Let's implement it and compare. The method works by starting at the highest order coefficient.

function horner(f::Polynomial{T}) where T<:Number
    r = :($(f.c[end]))
    for c in reverse(f.c[1:end-1])
        r = :($r * x + $c)
    :(function (x::$T)

This function also uses a recursion to grow the expression, creating somewhat pretier code.

using MacroExercises.Polynomials: horner

    horner(Polynomial(1.0, 0.5, 0.333, 0.25)))
:(function (x::Float64,)
      ((0.25x + 0.333) * x + 0.5) * x + 1.0

So, how do they compare?

julia> using MacroExercises.Polynomials: Polynomial, expand, horner
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> f = Polynomial((1.0 ./ factorial.(0:11))...)MacroExercises.Polynomials.Polynomial{Float64}([1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.16666666666666666, 0.041666666666666664, 0.008333333333333333, 0.001388888888888889, 0.0001984126984126984, 2.48015873015873e-5, 2.7557319223985893e-6, 2.755731922398589e-7, 2.505210838544172e-8])
julia> xs = collect(LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 1000)) # make sure to collect1000-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0 0.001001001001001001 0.002002002002002002 0.003003003003003003 0.004004004004004004 0.005005005005005005 0.006006006006006006 0.007007007007007007 0.008008008008008008 0.009009009009009009 ⋮ 0.991991991991992 0.992992992992993 0.993993993993994 0.994994994994995 0.995995995995996 0.996996996996997 0.997997997997998 0.998998998998999 1.0
julia> f_unroll = eval(expand(f))#1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f_unroll(1.0) # should be close to e2.718281826198493
julia> f_horner = eval(horner(f))#3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f_horner(1.0)2.718281826198493
julia> @benchmark xs .|> f_unrollBenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 9 evaluations. Range (min … max): 2.678 μs … 196.692 μs ┊ GC (min … max): 0.00% … 94.52% Time (median): 2.822 μs ┊ GC (median): 0.00% Time (mean ± σ): 3.174 μs ± 4.825 μs ┊ GC (mean ± σ): 4.95% ± 3.27% ▅██▅▂ ▁▁▁▁ ▂ ███████▇▅▁▃▄▁▁▄▆▆▇▆▅▆▄▃▄▃▁▁▃▃▃▄▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▄▁▁▃▁▁▁▅▆████ █ 2.68 μs Histogram: log(frequency) by time 7.11 μs < Memory estimate: 8.01 KiB, allocs estimate: 4.
julia> @benchmark xs .|> f_hornerBenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 9 evaluations. Range (min … max): 2.700 μs … 233.738 μs ┊ GC (min … max): 0.00% … 95.09% Time (median): 2.889 μs ┊ GC (median): 0.00% Time (mean ± σ): 3.301 μs ± 6.301 μs ┊ GC (mean ± σ): 6.31% ± 3.31% ▄▇█▇▅▂ ▁▁▁▁▁ ▂ ████████▇▅▃▃▅▄▄▆▆▇▆▆▄▄▅▄▃▄▁▄▁▁▃▃▁▁▁▁▃▁▁▁▁▁▁▃▃▃▁▁▃▁▁▃▃▇█████ █ 2.7 μs Histogram: log(frequency) by time 7.28 μs < Memory estimate: 8.01 KiB, allocs estimate: 4.

I don't know what this benchmark will do on the Github servers, but on my laptop this gives 1.466μs and 1.346μs minimum runtime. So Horner's method gives me close to 10% speed-up. Let's compare this with the C++ code, using a better benchmarking tool (google-benchmark in this case)!

The difference is a bit less than my previous amateurish attempt at a benchmark, but a real difference is still there: 1.692μs for Horner's method.

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <vector>

constexpr unsigned ORDER = 11;
constexpr unsigned N = 1000;

double polynome(std::vector<double> const &cs, double x) {
    double r = cs.front();
    double xp = x;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < cs.size() - 1; ++i) {
        r += xp * cs[i];
        xp *= x;
    r += xp * cs.back();
    return r;

double horner(std::vector<double> const &cs, double x) {
    double r = cs.back();
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < cs.size(); ++i)
        r = r * x + cs[cs.size() - 1 - i];
    return r;

struct BMSetup {
    std::vector<double> xs, ys;
    std::vector<double> cs;

    BMSetup(): xs(N), ys(N), cs(ORDER+1) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            xs[i] = i / double(N);
        unsigned j = 1;
        cs[0] = 1.0;
        for (unsigned i = 1; i < ORDER+1; ++i, j *= i)
            cs[i] = 1.0 / double(j);

static void bm_horner(benchmark::State &state) {
    BMSetup setup{};
    for (auto _ : state) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            setup.ys[i] = horner(setup.cs, setup.xs[i]);


static void bm_polynome(benchmark::State &state) {
    BMSetup setup{};
    for (auto _ : state) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            setup.ys[i] = polynome(setup.cs, setup.xs[i]);
